Simonne Holm I’m a passionate plantchef and a creative photographer with a love for nature, health and plant-based food. I run a holistic health business from my home in a small village in Djursland, DK. I teach people how to cook with plants, vegetables and fruits, and through my artwork I create images with natural elements from nature. With my background as a creative photography I developed new projects after eating a 'Alkaline food' diet in 2011. This hobby of photographing what I ate developed into a variety of different projects connecting people to food, nature and themself - through art and food. I've written and photographed tre recipe books (available in danish and english) and I also sell my artwork as signed, limited edition photographic prints. Please read my story, that transformed my life, it can inspire other to the same. As our planet inches closer to inhabitability, and health crises there is no room for scientific research to be confirmed, there is no time left for working in isolation. We know what to do and we have to do it together. So, I work to help you to find the tools and skills to do the work we all need done. The truth is that health is simpel!
If you need specific guide in the healthy plant-based kitchen you can visit my health site.

High energy food healed my body, made me more conscious, and re-connected me to a sustainable radiant healthy lifestyle – simple and natural!

After my study as a fine art photographer in N.Y.C. I was longing for the nature and started to work on projects for nature and endangered species organisations.  I also made exhibition of my fine artwork. I travel to Africa and lived in the National wildlife parks, photographing and tracking endangered species like the Rhinos. I experienced the incredible landscape and species on my journey.
A deep feeling awaked in me, re-membered, like a collective connection – a place we all once belong to.

Late on I learned that what we eat has an effect on our life, too. 
I began to suffer from several health issues. Without knowing that the food I ate, how I ate and a stressfull life was the core reason for my health problems, however the toxins form my artislife also played a big role in my health condition.

Fortunately I met a scientist and pioneer that helped people to regain their healthy body.
I went on an incredible cleanse program and cleansed my body from toxins and acid that I had accumulated during my lifetime (at then I was 45 years old).  

High-energy rich plant-based food transformed my body and mind within 3 weeks!
I discovered the incredible power of plants and became passionated with this way of eating and living.
And what a freedom it was, to be in charge of my own health, and knowing that Mother Nature provide us with all you need to be healthy, strong and vitale. 
I was taught very powerful knowledge that I had never heard about before. 

It was one of the most inspiring education I have had in my life. 

That really connected me to my planet! 

In the same way as when I went to Africa I knew now my body and soul re-membered and  knew I was connected to nature but nerver told about it!

Joining other health programs, and got a plant-based chef and  wellness coach certificate I began my new carrier helping others to understand the power of plants and awake their inner wisdom.

Holistic healing lifestyle

Today I live more simple growing my own biodynamic vegetable, where I connect to soil, seeds and plants and Mother Nature. 

Today most people on the planet are disconnected to nature, their inner wisdom and pure food.

Practising meditation daily is the real nourishing for the soul – it brings awareness inside out and can literally change your destiny. 

I introduce the Heartfulness metode to you if you like to learn how to meditate.
Just contact me and we find a day.

I have the tools to help you living your best.

Lets connect to a rich, vibrant and healthy lifestyle. 

Some of the things I've created:


European Final Art Awards for most creative use of Polaroid films,1998

Er blandt 11 danske kunstnere som er repræsenteret i Museet for Fotokunsts permanente samling.

Brændts Klædefabrik, Denmark Curator Lars Schwander, Fotografisk Center, Denmark

Dolphin Project (Rick Oberry), Key west, USA. Documenting releasing of captive dolphins 1993.
Expedition Rhino Watch, Zimbabwe. Documenting the endangered black Rhino 1991.


Dansk fotografi “i egen samling” af Lars Schwander, 2005

Rana Temporaria, Simonne Holm and Svendborg Tryk, 2006

“Jeg elsker Chili” Illustrations for cuisine book, Gads Publishing, 1997

“How I Healed Myself from Toxins”, Alkaline Institute publisher, 2017

“Få styr på din syre-base-balance”, Alkaline Institute 2018

THE Magazine, 2006, USA,

Katalog Magazine, 2005, DK

Berlinske Tidende: Photo illustrations, 1996-1998, DK

Press Magazine, 1996-1997

World Wide Foundation, designing for X-mas card, 2001-2006, DK,

Gads Publishing: Photo for cuisine book, “Jeg elsker chili” 1998, DK

Endangered Wildlife Trust, Poster, 1998, DK

Ministery of environment, Photos DANCED, 1996, DK

The New York Times, Photos, 1996, USA.

1989-1996 New York City,

Parsons School of Design: Fine Arts Graduation, AS
International Center of Photography: Fine art photography

I have spent much time on exhibiting my artwork in galleries and museums many places internationally.


Ambassadør Anne Dorte Riggelsens residens, Paris 2011

Galleri Hornbæk, Group show 2007

Lars Schwander samling, Berlin, Germany 2006

Photoeye, Santa Fe, Online Gallery Santa Fe Gallery, NM, USA 2002

Galleri Arthus, Århus, Denmark 2005

Ferskvandscentret, Denmark 2003

Platformen, Museet for fotokunst “Rana temporaria”, Denmark

Avenue Art Gallery, N.Y.C, USA, Art Gallery shop, N.Y.C

FotoKina, world exhibition in Koln

Øksne Hallen, Design exhibition, Copenhagen,DK

Institut Francais,”Daydream”, Copenhagen, DK

Zoological Museum,”Memento”, Copenhagen, DK

Museum Of Natural history-art shop, “Memento”, N.Y.C., USA

Photoeye, Santa Fe, USA

Fauna & Flora –

From 2012
In Denmark have organised Cleanse retreats, healthy plant-based cooking courses since 2014. 

Danish website:

Certificeret Plan Based Cook, Plant Lab Culinary, California – USA

Certificeret  meditations trainer, 
non-profit organisation Heartfulness Institute.

Certificeret pH Miracle Coach®

I volunteering for the non-profit organisation Heartfulness Meditation as a meditation trainer for more than 25 years.
I provide nutrition and cooking guides for their organisation and the Heartfulness Magazine.